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Meet our grower Eric Jansen
Borgloon | Belgium
"My work is my passion and I am constantly looking for ways to take the quality of our berries to the next level. To keep up with the latest growing methods, I often meet with Driscoll’s agronomists and visit other growers to learn from them. In 2004, I planted my first Driscoll’s strawberries.
My work is my passion, I am constantly looking for ways to take the quality of our strawberries to the next level
Growing berries is not new to me, I grew up on a farm as my father was also a fruit grower. In 2002 I took over the family business, focussing on producing strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries. My wife and three sons support me wherever they can. My youngest son even shares the same fascination for berries as I do; he is already growing a few strawberry plants himself. It’s great to see his passion and enthusiasm; you are never too young to start learning.”