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Meet our grower Sean Tager
Hemel-en-Aarde Valley | South-Africa
"In the early nineties I was an Accountancy student and wanted to see more of the world. I headed to South Africa where I started to work as a strawberry picker at Haygrove Heaven. Here I met owner Angus Davison, one of the largest growers in the UK and a very visionary man. His dream was to grow delicious berries all year round.
I really feel privileged when I walk in the fields and see how our wonderful blueberries perform
Back then, we were doing everything ourselves, from taking care of the plants to picking the berries. It was incredible to see how these wonderful fruits perform. As we are very close to the ocean we always have mild temperatures, even in summer time. This is the perfect environment for our berries. After the success of our first raspberry harvest, we also started to produce blueberries. Soon our small team of pickers was not enough to keep up with the growth. As a manager I really feel privileged when I walk in the fields and see how far we have come."